Congratulations to the 2024 Chancellor Awards for Diversity Recipients!

The Chancellor Awards for Diversity recognize the outstanding efforts of individuals at UCSF who demonstrate a strong commitment to the elimination of barriers to full inclusion for all people. Individuals recognized are leaders and pioneers in their respective fields and the communities they serve.

A collage of all eight recipients of the 2024 Chancellor Awards for Diversity.

View the Awardee Videos

Chancellor Awards for Diversity are given in the following four areas:

Eligibility Requirements for Nomination

The next nomination period will open in April 2025.

Nominees must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Be a UCSF academic or staff employee (with a minimum 50% appointment), or a student, a resident, or a postdoctoral scholar continuously from the time of nomination to the award ceremony in October.
  • Have either a P-series (P1-4), S-series (S1-S2), or M-series (M1-M4) classification but do not hold the title of assistant or associate vice chancellor or equivalent VP or Executive VP title in UCSF Health.
  • Have not previously received a Diversity Award from any of the four categories.
  • Have exhibited and sustained efforts toward engaging in diversity, equity and inclusion as delineated below in the "Selection Criteria".
  • Endorsements from the supervisor and department head of the nominee.
  • We encourage nominations of individuals, not groups.

NOTE: Questions regarding classification, employment, and enrollment eligibility can be answered by Human Resources or Student Academic Affairs prior to submitting a nomination.

Selection Criteria

Nominees will be evaluated per the following criteria:

Base of Operations — demonstrates emerging or sustained commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts proportionate to their capacity to do so. (Some employees in higher level positions/jobs may have a greater capacity to perform this service more visibly than those in lower level positions).

Scope & Effort — demonstrates exceptional efforts beyond the scope of the nominee's job, research or training in the accomplishment of promoting an environment that is free of bias and discrimination and advances goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Impact — demonstrates that their diversity, equity and inclusion efforts result in long-term benefits to recipients and community at large or a potential model for the establishment of other programs or activities.

Required Nomination Materials

Each nomination should have a minimum of one nominator and up to two supporters who are familiar with the nominee's work.

  1. One nomination form completed by the nominator
  2. One nomination letter from the nominator citing specific examples of the nominee's contributions and impacts as related to the "Selection Criteria".
  3. Up to two support letters citing specific examples of the nominee's contributions and impacts as related to the "election Criteria". Please note: support letters may be endorsed by multiple supporters. Any additional support letters submitted may not be read by the selection committee

Important: Please visit one of the following four areas to learn more about individual award criteria:

Submission of Materials

We are excited to launch a new online nomination process this year for increased efficiency, accessibility, and equity. A nomination guide and worksheet are available for additional guidance.

For questions, please contact



Photo by Susan Merrell/UCSF.

Meet the Awardees

Chancellor Award for Advancement of Women east

Each year this award recognizes and honors up to three individuals at UCSF who have demonstrated outstanding commitment and service to the advancement of women beyond the scope of their job, area of research, or training.

Learner Category

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Eleanor Palser, PhD (she/her)
Postdoctoral scholar, Department of Neurology

Faculty Category

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Julie Ann Sosa, MD, MA, FACS (she/her/hers)
Leon Goldman, MD Distinguished Professor of Surgery and Chair, Department of Surgery, Professor, Department of Medicine, Affiliated faculty, Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies

Chancellor Award for Disability Service east

Each year this award recognizes and honors up to three individuals at UCSF who have demonstrated outstanding commitment and service in furthering the goal of enhancing accessibility of the physical, social, educational, clinical, administrative and virtual environment while promoting accommodation and full inclusion of people with disabilities within the UCSF community, beyond the scope of their job, area of research, or training.

Staff Category

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Diane Ngo, MPA (she/her/hers)
Program Manager, Department of Surgery

Faculty Category

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Noemi Spinazzi, MD, FAAP (she, her, hers)
Medical Director, Charlie's Clinic, BCH Oakland Assistant Clinical Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics Director, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics resident rotation

Chancellor Award for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership east

Each year this award recognizes and honors up to three individuals at UCSF who have demonstrated outstanding commitment and service to the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion beyond the scope of their job, area of research, or training.

Staff Category

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Gabby Negussie-Retta, MS (she/her/hers)
Program Coordinator, Office of Medical Education

Faculty Category

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Meshell Johnson, MD, (she/her/hers)
Chief, Pulmonary/Critical Care/Sleep, SFVA
Associate Chair for DEI, Dept. of Medicine

Chancellor Award for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Leadership east

Each year this award recognizes and honors up to three individuals at UCSF who have demonstrated outstanding commitment and service to the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion beyond the scope of their job, area of research, or training.

Learner Category

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Jay Bindman, BA (they/them)
4th-year medical student

Staff Category

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Luis Gutierrez-Mock, PhD(c), MPH, MA (he/him/his)
Public Health Specialist Supervisor, Center for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, Institute for Global Health Sciences

Faculty Category

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Nicole Rosendale, MD (she/her/hers)
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology
Director, SFGH Neurology Inpatient Services